There was an excellent article in the Orlando Sentinel Oct 24 about animals in toilets and showers in Florida. A lot was about the problems with iguana’s and other larger animals in South Florida, but there were some comments about frogs in central Florida. I cannot post the entire article but here are a few excepts.

“then again, I have to admit I’ve had a bit of potty PTSD ever since the time I made a middle of the night run to the loo, dropped trou and almost sate on a Cuban tree frog. The little bugger had swum up through the pipes and perched himself right on the edge of the seat.”

Another example “her toddler found a frog in the toilet that was as fat as a football”

At the end of the article, the author says “all plumbing vents should have some sort of screened cover to prevent creatures – from ending up in their pipes.”
Critter Quitters fit this request. I would recommend people in Florida heed his advice.