Wilder Nex Shipment

Here is a picture of 64 units going to Wilder Nex in Houston. This is their largest order to date. They have been doing a great job installing Critter Quitters and in fact are expanding. Give them a call, they are on our installers list.

McFaddens Roofing Orlando

McFaddens is on their second order with us. They have found them to be an effective and easy repair of damaged vents without the need of pulling shingles. Give them a call at 407-682-9082

New Installer in Dallas TX

Certified Termite and Pest Management is giving them a try. You can call them at 972-852-2847 and ask for Clayton since they just got started. In fact their first shipment isn’t there yet.

Our Newest Retailer

ACE in Sanford FL is now trying out Critter Quitters. Go get some and talk them into adding them to their inventory. See our banner on the home page and the authorized retailer list for location.