We have been picked up by ABC Supply. ABC is the largest roofing supply house in the country, and they have decided Critter Quitters provide the roofing community an easy repair for damaged plumbing vents. This has always been a problem for the roofers, fixing one required pulling shingles, putting on a new flashing, and trying to make the shingles look good again. Often the shingles would be damaged and the roofer would have to try to find something that matched, an impossible task. The repair often just didn’t look good, was expensive, and left the customer unhappy. Now with Critter Quitters the roofer can simply repair the vent without removing shingles, so the repair is quick and easy. There is no trying to match shingles, so it looks good and will be very inexpensive. We anticipate great things coming to Avalon, and are proud that ABC sees the value.

Here is  a picture of our first shipment going out. ABC First Shipment Being Loaded April 5 16