Another install

This is a recent one. Roofing is dying down, but remember, I built these so that home owners can simply install them by themselves. Easy on, easy off.

Snow and Roofs

Well, in case you ddint see it, the snow collapsed the stadium in Minn. Its heavy, and it melts. If you live in a high snow area, you need to sweep your roof if the snow doesnt slide off. Most high snow homes have very steep pitches so snow wont stick, but still it...


I dont know about you, but mold is a major problem for me because of my allergies. And wet vents can cause serious mold in your attic that then gets into your air conditioning and thus into your house. Thats no good. Check them to see if they are chewed, if so let us...

Roof Leaks

Its important to know that roof leaks often dont show up in your ceiling. In fact, by the time they show up there, the damage is severe. Flashing replacement caused by squirrels is expensive, probably well over 500 dollars for a 4 vent home, because the shingles have...

Save some squirrels

We have contacted both the Humane Society and Sierra Club to see if we can run an ad in their publications to discuss how our vent shields save squirrels. They are an important part of our eco system that are often overlooked, and lead poisoning is no way to...

Join our team, make some money

We are always looking for people that dont mind being independent contractors selling and installing Critter Quitters. If you dont mind working hard, doing door to door sales, and crawling around on roofs, you can make 200-300 dollars a day if not more, and thats if...