Literature Tab

Please note the new Read The Literature tab on the home page. There is a nice article from Loyola University about our shields. Check it out.

Pricing Changes

Thanks to great volume and some hard work we have been able to reduce our costs, and this is being passed onto you. Check it out. Prices are now 30 dolllars for Size A and 35 for Size B, INCLUDING SHIPPING AND TAXES. Now, thats an offer you cant refuse. Give us a call...

Shingle Overcoating

OK, I will run afoul of some roofers here, but in my opinion one should never put shingles on top of shingles. Various govt housing agencies do not allow this at all, but it really isnt a good thing. The upper layer of shingles doesnt mount as well and can blow off....

Shield Allignment

There has been some comments coming back in that although the shields have been installed, there is still some leakage. On the 2 and 3 inch vents this should not be possible as the internal componants have sufficient clearence to compensate in the event the vent is...

Mounting Screws

We provide two lengths of stainless steel screws with each of our shields. The first is for the 2 and 3 inch vents, the second longer one is for the 1 1/2 inch vents. All are small 1/8 inch screws with Phillips head screws painted black so they dont stand out. We have...