Our Twitter Account

If you go to Twitter and look up Critterquitter you will find some interesting posts about life, real estate, roofs, and all kinds of stuff. After all, I can only talk about roofs and vents for so long.

Screw Hole Changes

We have made changes in the screw holes we provide with our vent shields. Depending upon pitch, we may only provide two holes in the front. The sides may have only one hole, and there may or may not be a hole in the back. We do this because the steeper the pitch, the...

Patent Update

Our full non-provisional is being filed this week. Once this happens we can start our next line of products based on it. It will take a year or two, but we anticipate some revolutionary roof products.

Critte Quitter Technology Differences

There has been some issues with people asking whats the big deal about a piece of plastic. Actually, our product is more than a piece of plastic. It actually drops rain water into the vent, keeping the outside of the damaged flashing dry. This stops further leakage....