Painting Critter Quitters

Some have ordered and want to know if they can be painted. Critter Quitters come in flat black because this universally fits most roofs. They are painted with 4 coats of paint and are made of black plastic so if the paint wears off over the years they will stay black....

Why are vents sized the way they are

Vents provide a method of expelling sewer gasses out of the house, which can be explosive and smelly. They also let air displace water as its flushed down the drain. Now there is no way a typical home has enough air displacement to justify a 3 inch vent. They are 3...

When do I need to Change Flashing

There have been some enquiries concerning Critter Quitters and how much flashing can be left before you have to change the flashing. If you have at least 1 inch of flashing left at the base all the way around the vent, a Critter Quitter will generally stop the leak....

Welcome Back

We trust all had a great Memorial Day. Its a true American holiday, one which other countries dont really have in the same way. We should truly celebrate it. Tomorrow its back to discussing vents, but I do enjoy a good time off as all should.

Memorial Day

As we eat and drink with our families this weekend, please pause to remember and give thanks to those that have served, sacrificed, and died for that privilege.