Orlando Sentinel Oct 24

There was an excellent article in the Orlando Sentinel Oct 24 about animals in toilets and showers in Florida. A lot was about the problems with iguana’s and other larger animals in South Florida, but there were some comments about frogs in central Florida. I cannot...

More from Home Depot

Here are more reviews. All were 5 stars except the last, which was 1 star. It never specified the type of animal. Critter Quitters are designed to keep out most tree frogs, rats, and snakes. Its possible a very small frog or snake could get through. It will not stop...

Latest from Home Depot

We got a rash of reviews from Home Depot. Here are a few.All 5 starsJune 9This was such an easy solution to keeping frogs out of the plumbing. Very study and easy to install. Great product!!June 9Easy to install heavy dutySept 21Had the large and 3 small Critter...

Wildlife Control Supplies, Our Newest Retailer

WCS is now carrying Critter Quitters. If you are in the wildlife control industry, or just want some Critter Quitters are a good price, look them up. Here is their Critter Quitter pagehttps://www.wildlifecontrolsupplies.com/animal/WCSCQ.htmlOr if you want to call them...

Terminix Orlando

Terminix in Orlando is installing Critter Quitters. If you use them ask them to install them when they do their normal service to protect your home from frogs, rats, and other animal entry.