Installation by Bugman Pest Control

Here is a picture of an installation done by our latest installer, Bugman Pest Control in Umatilla FL. As you can see, this home owner had to repair his vents earlier by a roofer. He pulled the shingles to put on new lead flashings, but didn’t have matching...

A Nice Order

Here is a picture of over 200 units going to Florida Pest Control and a Home Depot order. FPC has maintained their volume with us going into the spring.

A Great March

We had a great March at Avalon. Home Depot sales were up over 50% from last year, and total sales were among the best in the past 12 months. We are looking forward to a great April.

You Tube Channel

We have a You Tube channel. Its named Critter Quitter. It has all kinds of videos, an interview with the creator and owner of Avalon MFG, and a cute commercial with all kinds of funny animals. Who knew frogs got married. Go check it out at...