Selling Your House and Failed Inspection?

If you fail inspection due to chewed vents, which is a major problem in Florida, Critter Quitters can solve this quickly. If you don’t want to wait for a roofer who usually really doesn’t want to fix vents, order some Critter Quitters from or...

More Roofing Contractors

We have been receiving more orders this year from roofing contractors than any other year. We are hopeful that the word is getting out Critter Quitters make vent repair by a roofing contractor feasible since you dont have to remove shingles or tiles. Its important for...

Our Roofing Contractors

Although our largest customer base is pest and wildlife control, we do have some roofing companies that use Critter Quitters. Joe Hall Roofing in Arlington Texas is a large company that uses Critter Quitters, and McFaddens Roofing in Orlando uses them on most of their...

Installers List

We have a very good installers list for Florida. If you need some Critter Quitters installed and dont want to do it yourself check it out at our website at