Dont Let The Opportunity Pass

Although this period is painful, and the conversation is beginning on how to restart and even was this necessary, if you are home use it to take care of your home projects. Sure, Critter Quitters are great and I will push them as thats what I do, but there are so many...

XL Units

If you have an old home, usually pre 1960 your vent pipe is likely a 4 inch cast iron. We are the only company, that I know of, that makes a unit designed to fit these. They are custom and a bit pricey, but nevertheless if you need to repair your flashing on one of...

The Frogs Are Back

Well, here in Florida the Cuban Tree Frogs are back. I found a big fat one the other night on the porch just croaking away, the kittens were having a blast with it. These slimy things end up in your toilets if you don’t have them protected, and Critter Quitters...

Pest and Wildlife Still Going

My largest customers are pest and wildlife control companies. They see the value in Critter Quitters vs the roofing community which honestly only want to do roofs. Pest and wildlife can repair vents with Critter Quitters and make them animal proof so no frogs or rats...

Tile Roofs

Tile roofs are very popular in the south and west. However, its not the tiles that shed the water. Under the tiles there is a water proof layer that is put down, thats your actual roof. The tiles just look good. Its always a good idea to have your tiles cleaned every...