XL Units

If you have an old 4 inch cast iron vent, usually found in homes built prior to 1965, we are the only game in town I know of that makes a vent repair for it. You can order directly from us on the website at critterquitter.com We will need to know the height of the...

Vacation Time

Its the first of August, and this means the last week of vacation before school starts. This is an expensive time for families, having to buy the stuff for school and maybe squeeze in that last week off somewhere. But don’t forget your roof, its still the rainy...

Cuban Tree Frog

I got this little guy on our porch this morning, croaking along with a million of his buddies. Notice the boney long fingers with the suction cups at the ends. They can stick to just about anything, especially the insides of your toilets. Critter Quitters will stop...