Cuban Tree Frog from Back Porch

I had to let the dogs out early a few days ago and came across this little fellow stuck to the wall. Jumped on me than onto the porch. had to get a picture. Not so nice when they end up in your toilets, and they can stick to anything.

Plastic Variation

The plastic we use for our units is mostly recycled, which is sustainable. However, it does vary a bit run to run, and there may be slight color differences. Mechanically the plastic is the same which is the important part for a roofing product.

Screw Kits and Quality Checks

We got a negative review on Home Depot because the customer said there wasn’t a screw kit in the unit he ordered. We have a 3 stage quality program with our Critter Quitters to assure the screw kit is in the unit. The unit count and the screw kit count have to...

Orders from Louisville Ky

We have been getting orders from Ky recently. Ky and Arkansas use lead flashings, so if you live in these states you may have damaged vents. IF you see a white pipe sticking out of a jagged gray pipe you got lead and a leak.