Florida Pest Control Crystal River Order May 5

Here is a picture of 188 units going to FPC Crystal River. These are all our new injection molded units. FPC uses these in their exclusion contracts, and will do turn key installs even if you don’t use them for your pest control. Give them a call if you are in...

Website Updates

We are going to be updating our website with new videos and testimonials over the next few weeks to show our new injection molded units and their advantages, how to cut, and how to install. You will know they are up and running by the banner on the home page...

How Long will a Critter Quitter Last

A Critter Quitter is made of UV Stabalized Polypropolene. The plastic itself will last decades. However, after about 10 years the black color will begin to fade a bit, by 25 years it will be a dull grey to translucent white. But 25 years is a long time, and the actual...