
Critter Quitters direct rain water into the vent, keeping the damaged portion on the outside of the vent dry. But the internal pipe does not enter the vent, rather it is simply hovering above. We do this so that the lead does not have to be trimmed to install. Our...

Vent Size and Size Critter Quitter

Most homes have 1 1/2 and 2 inch vents with one larger 3 inch clean out vent. You can recognize the larger one, it sticks out like a soar thumb. So when ordering, remember Size A fits the 1 1/2 and 2 inch vents, B fits the 3 inch vent. If you are one of the rare homes...

Critter Quitters Stop Leaks

Remember, our shields are designed to fit over existing damaged flashing and stop leaks, so consider these vs reflashing or repair of existing flashing. They will last far longer, years in fact.