Critter Quitters Stop Leaks

Its really important to remember that our vent shields are not just protectors, they are designed to drop the rain water into the vent so that the outside of the vent pipe remains dry. So damaged vents will not leak anymore once a CQ is installed. If you got a damaged...

Rubber or Lead Flashing

Some has asked us how to tell if you have lead or rubber flashing. Basically, if your flashing looks metallic, wrinkled, grey, and has a beat looking top, its probably lead. Rubber will always just be a pipe. It is usually white, but sometimes its black, and rarely...

Fox Squirrels

If you want to see a large squirrel, look up fox squirrels. They are interesting looking animals, and are really quite large. Fortunately most live in colonys in the woods. The first time I saw one I thought it was some kind of badger.

Why do squirrels eat lead

Well, there is an excellent article on the home page at the “read the literature” tab about it. I would speculate that they like to sharpen their teeth on it, but I am not a squirrel so I cannot say for sure. I can say for sure they damage the vents so...