Water Barrels

Water barrels are a really good idea no matter where you live. You can store rain water for use at a later date. Most rain barrels have lids so you keep bugs and trash out. Simply connect your downspout from your gutter to the barrel. Some have filters that knock out...

Further Comments About Gutters

One of the overlooked uses for gutters is water collection. There are rain barrels availible that will collect rain water for use in the garden or on the lawn, and everyone knows rain is the best thing for plants. I would go as far as to say that if you are building a...


Keep your gutters cleared. This is really important in high rain areas because it can cause serious roof rot if it backs up. Also its a great source of water.

Rubber Flashing Life

If you live in a less sunny area you probably have rubber flashing that seals your vent. Now some of these are fine, but a lot are not very sturdy. Also as it ages it becomes brittle. So be careful if you are on a roof and dont kick or hang on to the vents unless you...

Interesting Story

One of our customers was found by us when we told him that his vents were damaged, in fact so chewed that there was no flashing left. Basically he had a leak at every vent that was like a waterfall into his attic. He fixed his vents about 3 months later after we...