by critter_master | Jun 9, 2011 | Uncategorized
Vents provide a method of expelling sewer gasses out of the house, which can be explosive and smelly. They also let air displace water as its flushed down the drain. Now there is no way a typical home has enough air displacement to justify a 3 inch vent. They are 3...
by Andrew McIver | Jun 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
Per feedback that we recieved, we have increased the number of mounting screws sent to 4 of each size. This has been posted before, but its just a reminder.
by critter_master | Jun 2, 2011 | Uncategorized
There have been some enquiries concerning Critter Quitters and how much flashing can be left before you have to change the flashing. If you have at least 1 inch of flashing left at the base all the way around the vent, a Critter Quitter will generally stop the leak....