Screws we Use

Some have been asking why we use small cross threaded stainless steel screws instead of hex head. Hex would be easier to screw in, thats for sure. But there are two reasons we stick with the cross head. First, they are small and black, so they are not noticible....

Spring Roof Care

Its spring, and that usually means storms. If you can safely do so, it would probably be worth your time to go on your roof and inspect your flashings (thats the tie ins that connect your vents, chimney, and other devices) to your roof. Make sure they havent peeled...

Literature Tab

Please note the new Read The Literature tab on the home page. There is a nice article from Loyola University about our shields. Check it out.

Pricing Changes

Thanks to great volume and some hard work we have been able to reduce our costs, and this is being passed onto you. Check it out. Prices are now 30 dolllars for Size A and 35 for Size B, INCLUDING SHIPPING AND TAXES. Now, thats an offer you cant refuse. Give us a call...